Information Security and Cryptography Research Group

Reducing Oblivious String Transfer to Universal Oblivious Transfer

Stefan Wolf

IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory — ISIT 2000, IEEE, pp. 311, Jun 2000, Final version: [Wolf00d].

It is shown that oblivious transfer of strings can be reduced to the weakest version of oblivious bit transfer, where the receiver can choose to obtain arbitrary (but incomplete) information about the pair of bits sent. This solves an open problem posed by Brassard and Crepeau.

BibTeX Citation

    author       = {Stefan Wolf},
    title        = {Reducing Oblivious String Transfer to Universal Oblivious Transfer},
    booktitle    = {IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory --- ISIT 2000},
    pages        = 311,
    year         = 2000,
    month        = 6,
    note         = {Final version: \cite{Wolf00d}},
    publisher    = {IEEE},

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