Information Security and Cryptography Research Group

Towards Characterizing the Non-Locality of Entangled Quantum States

Renato Renner and Stefan Wolf

IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory — ISIT 2003, IEEE, pp. 428, Jun 2003, This is the proceedings version of [RenWol02c], eprint archive:

We propose a so-called pseudo-telepathy game for $n$ players demonstrating the non-locality of quantum information. The simplicity of its classical analysis contrasts the often quite involved analysis of previously proposed such games \cite{BCT99}. Moreover, our game allows for a quantitative characterization of entanglement in terms of communication complexity.

BibTeX Citation

    author       = {Renato Renner and Stefan Wolf},
    title        = {Towards Characterizing the Non-Locality of Entangled Quantum States},
    booktitle    = {IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory --- ISIT 2003},
    pages        = 428,
    year         = 2003,
    month        = 6,
    note         = {This is the proceedings version of \cite{RenWol02c}, eprint archive:},
    publisher    = {IEEE},

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