A Simplified and Generalized Treatment of Luby-Rackoff Pseudorandom Permutation Generators
Ueli Maurer
A paper by Luby and Rackoff on the construction of pseudorandom permutations from pseudorandom functions based on a design principle of the DES has recently initiated a burst of research activities on applications and generalizations of these results. This paper presents a strongly simplified treatment of these results and generalizes them by pointing out the relation to locally random functions, thereby providing new insight into the relation between probability-theoretic and complexity-theoretic results in cryptography. The first asymptotically-optimal construction of a locally random function is presented and new design strategies for block ciphers based on these results are proposed.
Keywords: Locally random function, Pseudorandom function, Pseudorandom permutation, Luby-Rackoff permutation generator.
BibTeX Citation
@inproceedings{Maurer92d, author = {Ueli Maurer}, title = {A Simplified and Generalized Treatment of {L}uby-{R}ackoff Pseudorandom Permutation Generators}, editor = {R. A. Rueppel}, booktitle = {Advances in Cryptology --- EUROCRYPT~'92}, pages = 239--255, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = 658, year = 1992, month = 5, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, }